Thursday, December 19, 2019

Missionary Adventures - Week One at the MTC

Hellooooo everyone!!! I hope y'all didn't forget about me! My pday is on Thursdays so we've had to wait soooooo long!! So many things have happened idk where to even start! Soooooo I'll just give some of my high lights of the week! 

Sister Galbraith and Bishop Tanner
Thursday night Bishop Tanner was my workshop instructor! It was awesome except he called me out a lot...and I was on the front row. So yeah he said my name a lot. But it was really good to see a familiar face. He took a picture and sent it to my mom just to get my mom to cry.. which she did. 

In classes we've been doing so much soooooo much. But I love it!....kinda haha.  My teachers are awesome too. Sister Gordon is a savage. She has no problem telling it as it is. Brother Rex is super awesome too. He's so laid back and is full of love for the gospel.  I've never been able to feel the spirit so strong in class before. Which is saying a lot cuz yeah I HATE school. But the MTC classes are so amazing. 

Everything we do is centered on Christ. I feel like my brain is going to explode because they cram so much into our little minds in just 3 weeks. It also feels like I've been here so much longer than 1 week. It honestly just feels a lot like being gone to school for me..  just with more drama. Haha yes I said drama. There's been some dumb issues in my district that have had to be addressed... but things seem to be a lot better. We all got a talkn to Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. But with all the praying we've done we've really been able to feel the spirit again. And it really shocked me now fast the spirit left our district when there started to be convention.  The Holy Ghost is so sensitive and it won't be stay somewhere it's not welcome too. 

My comp Sister Hansen is awesome! We had a bumpy start to begin with but holy crap the Lord works in amazing ways. We've really been able to put our issues aside and find the love for each other and just learn and teach the gospel. I love her. She pushes me everyday to find the good in other people. She's seriously the most talkative friendly person I've ever met. We will just be randomly walking to class and she will stop and talk to a random set of Elders or Sisters and then they're best friends. It's awesome how friendly she is. We're just late.... A LOT. But she inspires me to be more like that, because I'm not. 

Overall though The district is 10/10. I've laughed so hard this week from the Elders. Aw gosh they're so dumb. I get along with the Elders super well. As for the sisters in my district.. well I'm still praying for strength every day to be able to be friends with them. There's progress everyday! Heres my district! 
Sister Hansen and Sister Galbraith 
Sister Shick and Sister Hornburger 
Elder Keller and Elder Phelon 
Elder Hathaway and Elder Boatright
Elder Oloughlin and Elder Wakatsuki 

The days go by soooooo slow but the week has gone by soooooo fast. I'm sure everyone has heard that one before but it's so true. I swear just yesterday it was sunday.

Exercise time is my literal favorite time of the day. I'm always ticked when we get cut short or don't get it. It's a lot of fun to play volleyball with the elders in my district. Elder Keller is 6'2 and he's super good. We keep him up at the net. ðŸ˜‚ I've been hit too many times with his spikes... Funny story. On Saturday during exercise time i was on the  back row during volleyball and I was talking with one of my friends Elder Benavides and his comp Elder Santos who is also amazing at volleyball jump served it on the other team and I wasn't paying ANY attention and the ball hit me right in the face. That'll teach my to always pay attention.... luckily volleyballs are nothing like softballs and don't really hurt when you get hit in the face. 

Friday afternoon I got my first package from my mom and the rest of my family and when I got it I started crying so hard I gave myself a bloody nose!!! Haha it was kind of funny actually!!! At least I thought it was. I know I know I'm a baby but yeah I miss my mom.. but by getting the bloody nose it took my mind off being homesick. 

Okay sorry this is so long but I've got to add my ultimate highlight in! So here in the mtc... I'm sure everyone knows this they have TRC's which stands for Training Resource Center (I think??) anyways me and sister hansen have been teaching this chick named Rebekah... and she is stone cold. We've tried so hard to teach her and break the ice with her but....nothing. We would get awesome feedback from the other people we were teaching but we would always just get really poor negative feedback from her. It was tough. So when we were talking to our teacher Sister Gordon about it she kind of spiritually smacked us in the faith and said "You are not serving a mission for yourselves. You are called of God to go and serve his people. Not yourself" Oof... that hit me so hard. As soon as I got back to my room I got down and my needs and just pleaded and prayed for repentance. So yesterday morning when we were planning our last lesson with Rebekah we started of with a prayer and we decided to just do something simple and read one of my favorite chapters in the BOM. I picked 3 Nephi 17. And our lesson was just so simple. We all had our book of mormons open and we took turns reading and we asked questions and shared experiences and boom! The ice was broken. She opened up to us and come to find out she's been dealing with a lot of health problems and I just happened to pick the chapter where Christ goes around and heals the sick. But she didn't tell us this till after we shared our own experiences. The spirit was so strong all three of us were just sobbing. It was so spiritually uplifting. 
Sorry again this is so long!! But I hope everyone is doing well. I have all day to email me sooo yeah email me! 

Love you all, 
Sister Galbraith